Preventing Common Injuries in Professional Dancers
As a professional dancer, your body is your instrument. At Elite Performance Physio Manchester, we understand the unique demands of dance and the importance of injury prevention. W
Foot Pain in Dance: When to Suspect a Stress Fracture
Stress fractures are one injury all dancers are keen to avoid! It can signal a significant period away from performing and in some cases can require surgery to help return to perfo
Achilles Tendon Pain: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
Achilles Tendon Pain This is a common area for soreness and pain in dancers; it can be notoriously difficult to settle down and I will regularly have dancers describe how they have
Ankle injuries in dance and some basic rehab exercises
Ankle injuries are one of the most common injuries that we see in dancers of all ages. These range from the minor to the severe. Generally, when a dancer injures their ankle it wil
Can dancers benefit from strength training?
Dance as an art form has always been considered an aesthetic performance that solely relies on facility that can be natural or trained, alongside timing and technique. The involved