Laryngeal Manual Therapy

LMT (Laryngeal Manual Therapy) is a mixture of hands on manual therapy including soft tissue release to the muscles that can directly and indirectly affect larynx mobility, along with passive stretching to facilitate improved local biomechanics of the neck and larynx. This is combined with individually appropriate advice and exercises, following a comprehensive assessment at our Elite Performance Physio clinic in Manchester city centre.

singer wide
This kind of treatment is effective following diagnosis of: 
  • Muscle tension dysphonia 
  • Pre-nodular swelling
  • True vocal fold nodules 
  • Globus pharyngeus 
LMT can help to improve and alleviate symptoms such as: 
  • Restricted vocal performance
  • Lack of vocal projection
  • Hoarse voice
  • Increased breathy tone
  • Throat pain
  • Loss of vocal range
  • Feeling of constriction 
  • Vocal fatigue
  • Jaw pain
LMT is a treatment that benefits all heavy voice users: 
  • Actors
  • Professional singers 
  • Hobby performers 
  • Media professionals
  • Teachers
  • Barristers
  • Sales people

Keep losing your voice in general, ultimately anyone who is having problems with their voice!
